Critically review literature, and summarise and evaluate approaches to construct proxies for investor sentiment.

Emperical methods in accounting and finance

1. Discuss the theoretical underpinnings in (i) Yu and Yuan (2011) and Wang (2018a), and (ii) Wang (2018b) and Wang and Duxbury (2021)
[20 marks]

2. Critically review literature, and summarise and evaluate approaches to construct proxies for investor sentiment.
[12 marks]

3. Suppose that you decide to extend the US evidence from Wang (2021) to an emerging market. Select the market and justify your selection.
[8 marks]

4. For the selected market, present and interpret descriptive statistics of (i) overnight returns, (ii) intraday returns, and (iii) total returns.
[15 marks]

5. Select one method to filter conditional volatility. Present and interpret descriptive statistics of conditional volatility of (i) overnight returns, (ii) intraday returns, and (iii) total returns.
[20 marks]

6. Examine the mean-variance relation for (i) overnight returns, (ii) intraday returns, and (iii) total returns. Interpret.