Interview someone who is at least one generation apart from you.Report your findings in the context of our course material. Compare and contrast this person’s experience with your own experience or understanding.


Interview someone who is at least one generation apart from you. Your interview should include roughly 20 meaningful, in-depth questions.

Ask this person to describe his/her life and pay particular attention to the ways in which gender influenced various facets of his/her experience, such as early family life, education, career, relationships, social life, etc.

Narrow your focus to the one or two areas that interest you most, then report your findings in the context of our course material. Compare and contrast this person’s experience with your own experience or understanding.


A typed (double spaced) transcript of your interview.

A 3-4 page paper which should include:

any gender-related themes that emerge from the interview, in the context of our course material, paying particular attention to your area of focus.

a description of how this person’s experience is similar and/or different from your own experience or understanding.

a brief summary of what you learned by doing this project.

Note that all papers must be written in APA or MLA style.