Describe Decision-making impact on Sustainable Operations Management: particular case of the Flow of Relief in Post-Conflict Areas.

Task :

“Decision-making impact on Sustainable Operations Management: particular case of the Flow of Relief in Post-Conflict Areas”.

Task description:

Elaborate comprehensive responses to the following questions:

1- Why this topic, how important is this topic, how relevant is this topic?

2- About Decision-making, uncertain conditions, management of operations, and sustainability performance:

a. How are those terms interrelated?
b. How it’s important to study the proposed relationships?

3- About Methodology:

c. Why qualitative research method?
d. Why using interviews for data collection?
e. Why using thematic analysis technique?
f. Why focusing on purposive sampling method?
g. Why using Semi-Structured interviews?

4- About possible outputs and recommendations: elaborate a summary of:

– Possible outputs,

– What this research might contribute to knowledge.

Words count: 3000