Ethos,pathos,logos : What makes this Ethos? What characteristics does the person in the advertisement have that gives them good Ethos?


1) An advertisement which primarily uses Ethos to persuade the reader.

  • What makes this Ethos? What characteristics does the person in the advertisement have that gives them good Ethos?
  • Why do you suppose Ethos was used to advertise this product?
  • How effective is this advertisement, in your opinion? How might they have more effectively persuaded you, if at all?

2) An advertisement which primarily uses Pathos to persuade the reader.

  • What makes this Pathos? Why do you suppose Pathos was used to advertise the product?
  • How effective is this advertisement, in your opinion? How might they have more effectively persuaded you, if at all?

3) An advertisement which primarily uses Logos to persuade the reader.

  • What makes this Logos? Why do you suppose Logos was used to advertise the product?
  • How effective is this advertisement, in your opinion? How might they have more effectively persuaded you, if at all?