A formal record of an experiment comprised of a discussion of objectives, procedures, and results.
Using SPSS you have graphically represented data from a dataset, performed descriptive and inferential statistical analysis and drawn conclusions about models of tip-of-the-tongue states based on the data provided. (1500 words)
Points to consider for the write-up
Concise summary of study
What is word production?
What is a tip-of-the-tongue state?
What is the transmission deficit model of tip-of-the-tongues?
What is the blocking hypothesis of tip-of-the-tongues?
What is priming?
What is the hypothesis of the study?
- Information on participant cohort.
- What design was used (e.g. between- or within-groups)?
- What materials were used?
- What are the descriptives?
- How should you present this data?
- What statistical analysis is used?
- What are the results of the inferential statistics?
- Is the hypothesis confirmed?
- Does your study support the transmission deficit model or the blocking hypothesis?
- How do your results fit in with other literature in the field?
- How do you results differ from other literature in the field?
- What are some of the individual differences that might affect the results?
- Was the study methodologically sound?
- Can you suggest ideas for future study?