Two-step flow theory: Choose a communication theory  you find that interests you.Do a search on your theory and explain what the theory is .

Two-step flow theory

1. Choose a communication theory  you find that interests you.

2. Do a search on your theory and try to find at least one source you can use to help you explain the theory (can be from anytime) and at least four academic studies (from 2006-2021) that have been done using the theory. To do a database search follow these steps:

enter the name of your theory under a keyword search and see if articles are available. (Some will have more articles than others. If you can’t find a lot you might look at sources cited in the articles you do have or choose another theory) Most articles are available on-line but some may be available in the library or through inter-library loan (this usually only takes 2 or 3 days and they e-mail you the article).

You can then refine your search to “Limit to articles from scholarly publications” or use the subject terms to limit the number of results you get.


Another Alternative Way to find Communication (Discipline) Specific Peer-Reviewed Publications that contain studies using the theory you selected is by looking through communication research journals that our library has paid subscription access.

Paper Organization:
3. The first 2 pages or so of your paper should explain what the theory is. In this section I not only want you to cite your book used in class, but also at least one other source.

4. The next 3 or 4 pages should give me an idea of how this theory is being used in academic research. In other words how are researchers using the theory to explain communication related issues. I want you to tell me using AT LEAST FOUR studies you’ve found. Focus on how researchers are using the theory and what they are finding. Since this is an upper level course, I will expect you to cite specific studies from academic journal articles that have been done on your theory. Some of these may be difficult to understand, but you should be able to understand the overall results and discussion sections. The goal is to find out different ways this theory has been used or tested and for you to learn a theory more in-depth. Articles must be published from 2006-2021. Below, you will see detailed instructions for researching and citing appropriate articles.

5. The final page should summarize the findings. Describe any trends, connections and/or observations you made during your research and based on your findings.

6. Be sure to cite your sources APA style. See the following site for comprehensive APA formatting and citation guidelines: (Links to an external site.)

Include a reference page of sources you cite in APA citation format.
7. The paper needs to be formatted according to the APA paper format guidelines listed at the link below on the OWL Purdue website. Include a proper title page, us 12 pt. Times New Roman font, double spaced, proper margin size, etc. Compare your submission to the Sample APA Format Paper on the website to ensure proper formatting: (Links to an external site.)