The London Eye : Discuss and critique the project team’s approach to the management of risk .

The London Eye

There will be one summative assessment which involves a case study of a project with
a significant international flavour/element. You will be given an opportunity to choose
from a given selection (including those suggested by other students) but you will also
have the chance to find one yourself and suggest it to your module tutor. You will
analyze and critique the case’s project management capability and outcome including
its approach to risk management, communications, stakeholder management and
success criteria. You will draw on the perspectives of project management best practice
and academic literature and demonstrate your understanding of how the case does or
does not reflect this best practice in the following key areas. The tasks are as follows:

1. Discuss and critique the project team’s approach to the management of risk .

2. Evaluate the effectiveness of communication across the lifecycle of the project, taking into account its international factors.

3. Analyze the approach to stakeholder management (20%)

4. Decide whether or not you believe the project should be seen as a success.

  • Compare your view with that of others and justify your position.
  • In addition 10% of the marks will be allocated for overall quality of writing, presentation
    and academic standards.
  • In all cases you should make special effort to consider and reflect on the challenges
    presented by the international nature of the project and ensure the ‘international impact’
    is thoroughly discussed.

This is an individual report and should be 3,500 words.