Write a report for the CEO of a public group company listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) after reviewing paragraphs 6.48–6.77 of Chapter 6, the Comment Letters from the interested parties, the Feedback Summary, and Basis for Conclusions (i.e. paragraphs BC6.41–BC6.68)

Corporate Reporting Theory and Practice

Critically evaluate and discuss Chapter 6 (Measurement) of the Exposure Draft
(ED/2015/3) Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting issued by the
International Accounting Standards Board.

Apply appropriate knowledge, analytical techniques and concepts to problems and issues arising from both familiar and unfamiliar situations.

Think critically, examine problems and issues from a number of perspectives, challenge viewpoints, ideas and concepts and make wellreasoned judgements. Present, discuss and defend ideas, concepts and views effectively through formal language.

•Write a report for the CEO of a public group company listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) after reviewing paragraphs 6.48–6.77 of Chapter 6, the Comment Letters from the interested parties, the Feedback Summary, and Basis for Conclusions (i.e. paragraphs BC6.41–BC6.68)

Cottrell, S. (2017). Critical Thinking Skills. Palgrave: London.

IASB (2015). Basis for Conclusions on the Exposure Draft (ED/2015/3) Conceptual
Framework for Financial Reporting.
IASB (2015). Comment Letters on the Exposure Draft (ED/2015/3) Conceptual Framework
for Financial Reporting.
IASB (2015). Exposure Draft (ED/2015/3) Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting.


IASB (2019). Project webpages.
IASB (2016). The Feedback Summary on the discussion of measurement in Chapter 6 of
the Exposure Draft (ED/2015/3) Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting.


IASB (2015). The Snapshot on the Exposure Draft (ED/2015/3) Conceptual Framework for
Financial Reporting