Metaphysics: Construct and explain Aquinas’ work on essence, demonstrating the distinction between essence and existence in all beings except for God.


Construct and explain Aquinas’ work on essence, demonstrating the distinction between essence and existence in all beings except for God.

In your paper,

(1) reconstruct and explain Aquinas’ work on the essence of composite substances, clearly explaining what belongs to such an essence and why,

(2) reconstruct and explain step-by-step Aquinas’ argument for the distinction between essence and existence. Primary texts: Aquinas’ On Being and Essence, ch. 2 and ch. 4.

a. Double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font, 1-inch margins, Turabian/Chicago style.

b. Must include a cover sheet with Title, Name, Class Section, Professor Name, Date.

c. Cover sheet is not to be included in page numbering.

d. 5 page minimum. Try to not to exceed 6 pages, but the minimum is far more important.


Note 1: Remember that this is a philosophy paper. You must not rely on any faith-based claims or sources. Use human reason alone.

Note 2: If you quote or paraphrase anything from the text, you MUST explain the meaning of the text you are referencing and how it establishes your point. You will receive no credit from quoting and paraphrasing without such an explanation. Teach the text to your reader, don’t just read it to them.

Note 3: If you quote, paraphrase, or rely in any way on any source, you must cite the source in a chicago-style footnote.

Note 4: If you rely in any way on any source but still present material as if it is your own work, even if you cite the source this is plagiarism and will be reported and penalized as such. If it is someone else’s argument or insight, indicate it as such in your paper and footnotes.