Describe the differences between Latino/Caribbean styles as opposed to Norteño, Conjunto, Tejano or Banda.

pick ONE TOPIC from ONE CHAPTER. Please include 2 sources.

Chapter 18:

1. Describe the differences between Latino/Caribbean styles as opposed to Norteño, Conjunto, Tejano or Banda.

2. Write a piece on specific musical differences between Norteño and Conjunto. Make reference to specific artists and recordings.

Chapter 19:

Respond to the following quote from political commentator Ben Shapiro.

“In my view, and in the view of my music theorist father who went to music school, there are three elements to music. There is harmony (Links to an external site.), there is melody (Links to an external site.) and there is rhythm (Links to an external site.). Rap only fulfills one of these, the rhythm section. There’s not a lot of melody and there’s not a lot of harmony. And thus, effectively, it is basically spoken rhythm. It’s not actually a form of music. It’s a form of rhythmic speaking. Thus, beyond the objectivity of me just not enjoying rap all that much, what I’ve said before is that rap is not music.”1