Mental health nursing: Read Chapter 6 of the text and, using the program you have committed to for this course, pick one infant, toddler, or preschooler classroom and review the environment, with attention to the following:

Mental health nursing

Read Chapter 6 of the text and, using the program you have committed to for this course, pick one infant, toddler, or preschooler classroom and review the environment, with attention to the following:

  1. The use of color
  2. The use of natural and artificial light
  3. The perception of clutter
  4. Wall coverings used
  5. Floor covering(s) used
  6. Types of learning centers available
  7. Materials available in learning centers
  8. Write a one-to two-page narrative that addresses
  9. Three recommendations for improvement.
  10. Three strengths of the classroom design based on the categories identified above.
  11. Why and how you think these recommendations and strengths should be improved.

A 6000-words