Digital technologies in banking : Write a report on the following topic Digital technologies in banking

Digital technologies in banking

Write a report on the following topic Digital technologies in banking

Word count required: 3,300 words

Introduction: (500 words)
In the report, provide a brief overview of your chosen organisation (about 500 words). The aim of this
overview should be to provide the key contextual information for the rest of the report. For the
remaining sections of the report, assume that you have been freshly hired by the organisation of your
choice, and the CEO has asked you to address the following:
Chosen company: JP Morgan
Section 1: Expected technological developments (1,000 words)
What are the main expected developments in the chosen technologies and associated products in the
next five to ten years?
Section 2: Industry impact (200-500 words)
How are these development likely to impact competition in the industry? In particular, are these
innovations going to favour established companies or new entrants? In what ways and under what
Section 3: Sources of innovation (700 words)

What are the most likely sources of innovation for the industry? Based on this and on the current
capabilities of your company, present recommendations for your company on:
a. What activities related to technological innovation should be conducted in-house, and what through
b. Which forms of collaboration are most suitable?
c. (if applicable) Do the current activities of your organisation follow this pattern?

Section 4: Remaining on top of the evolving technological landscape (500 words)

What are your recommendations to ensure that your organisation remains on top of the evolving
technology landscape?

Section 5: [Title depending on the question chosen] (200 to 500 words)
Based on your analysis so far, address one of the following questions, choosing the one that you feel
is most relevant for your company (between 200-500 words)
A. How would innovation based on these technologies fit in your organisation’s innovation
portfolio? Where would you locate responsibility for these innovation projects in your
B. What is the stage of development of the technologies you are interested in? Are the issues
surrounding dominant design relevant for your choices of using these technologies in your

C. In releasing products and services based on these technology, when should your company
enter the market?