What is environmental justice? How is this concept related to pollution and environmental risk?What aspects of environmental injustice are present in the case of Flint, Michigan?

Answer the questions below.

1. What is environmental justice? How is this concept related to pollution and environmental risk?

2. What aspects of environmental injustice are present in the case of Flint, Michigan?

3. Do you think the government and corporate response to the Love Canal case was adequate? Why or why not? Be sure to reference specific decisions and events in your answer.

For questions 4 and 5, choose a Superfund site (NOT the Love Canal site, choose another) from the “National Priorities List (NPL) Sites” web link

4. What site did you choose and where is it located? What caused the contamination?

5. Do some additional research on the site you chose. What communities live near the site (consider population size, demographics, income levels)? What risks do they face due to the contamination? Is this an environmental justice issue?