Extra Credit : Read the following news article and write a short essay in responding the questions (100 -300 words).

Extra Credit

Read the following news article and write a short essay in responding the questions (100
-300 words).

Facebook and Instagram gathering browsing data from under-

18s, study says




Facebook and Instagram are gathering data from under-18s by using software that tracks users’ web

browsing activity, according to research.

The platforms’ parent company had announced in July that it would allow advertisers to target young

users based on three categories only – age, gender and location – rather than a range of options

including their personal interests.

However, research by a trio of campaign groups states that Facebook and Instagram have retained the

use of software, known as conversion APIs, that gathers details of teens’ web browsing activities.

Facebook and Instagram’s owner, Meta, denied the data was being used by the company’s algorithm-

driven ad delivery system to serve adverts on users who are under 18.

12/3/21, 2:34 PMExtra Credit Assignment
The data gathering was flagged in research by environmental group Global Action Plan, Reset Australia,

which seeks reform of large tech companies, and Fairplay, which campaigns against marketing to


In an open letter to Mark Zuckerberg, the chief executive of Meta, 44 advocacy groups urged the

Facebook founder to scrap the data gathering, saying that it was being used to enable “surveillance

advertising” for young users.

It added: “Replacing ‘targeting selected by advertisers’ with ‘optimization selected by a machine learning

delivery system’ does not represent a demonstrable improvement for children, despite Facebook’s

claims in July. Facebook is still using the vast amount of data it collects about young people in order to

determine which children are most likely to be vulnerable to a given ad.”

The Facebook study set up three fake accounts, for a 13-year-old and two 16-year-olds, and researchers

were able to view the data harvested by the company’s software across Facebook, Instagram and

Messenger, as the “users” visited sites such as local newspapers and clothing retailers.

The researchers found: “Facebook can collect data from other browser tabs and pages that children

open, and harvest information like which buttons they click on, which terms they search or products they

purchase or put in their basket (‘conversions’). There is no reason to store this sort of conversion data,

except to fuel the ad delivery system.”

Joe Osborne, a Meta spokesperson, said: “It’s wrong to say that because we show data in our

transparency tools it’s automatically used for ads. We don’t use data from our advertisers’ and partners’

websites and apps to personalize ads to people under 18.

“The reason this information shows up in our transparency tools is because teens visit sites or apps that

use our business tools. We want to provide transparency into the data we receive, even if it’s not used

for ads personalization.”


. How will you evaluate the current practices of personalized advertising on social media? What are
the effects of personalized ads to
teenage users that you can think of? (1 points)

2. If you are working at marketing agency, and Facebook is one of your clients. Now you see Facebook is facing criticism of its behavioral advertising targeting at teenage users. You are going to design aresearch project to help Facebook for their next advertising/PR campaign? Identify

a) the goal of your project,

b) the research question,

c) which research method you will use, and

d) what could
be the practical implications for Facebook. (1 points)