Transitioning to Being a Registrant: Write a reflective account based upon your SWOT analysis of your strengths and limitations with regards to your personal and professional development needs in the role of a professional registrant in contemporary healthcare.

Transitioning to Being a Registrant

Write a reflective account based upon your SWOT analysis of your strengths and limitations with regards to your personal and professional development needs in the role of a professional registrant in contemporary healthcare.

Introduction (150 words)
State the aims of the reflective commentary.
Provide a rationale for your choice of a relevant reflective model which you will use to frame your reflective commentary.
Include an outline of the relevance of SWOT analysis as a tool to identify personal and professional development needs in the role of a professional registrant.
The SWOT analysis must be included as an appendix.

Part 1: Reflective Commentary (800 words)
Use the stages of the chosen reflective framework to structure the commentary and critical reflection (MLO 1, 2 & 3).
In your reflection apply critical understanding your role as a future registrant in practising in the context of professional, regulatory and legal frameworks within national health policy (MLO 1, 2 & 3).
In your reflection provide critical and analytical discussion on what resources, support and feedback you will require to ensure delivery of person-centred, safe and effective evidenced based care in a range of healthcare settings. (MLO 1, 2 & 3)

Part 2: Action Plan (400 words)
Discuss your action plan using SMART goals to prioritise your development needs in transitioning to registrant to meet the requirements of The Code and to practice effectively within national health policies, regulatory and legal frameworks (MLO 2 & 3).
This may be included as an appendix.

Conclusion (150 words)
Summarise the main points in your reflective commentary and action plan for personal and professional development.
Include recommendations for ongoing reflective practice and, personal and professional development.

Reference list
Use the Harvard Referencing system for citations and reference list.


Action plan for personal and professional development.

Weighting: 100%
Word count or equivalent: 1,500