Consumer Behaviour Across Culture: Write a report to critically assess the marketing activities of a chosen organisation from a consumer behaviour perspective.

Consumer Behaviour Across Culture.

You are a Consumer Behaviour analyst in a marketing consultancy company. You have been assigned the task of writing a report to critically assess the marketing activities of a chosen organisation from a consumer behaviour perspective. Your report must include two theoretical aspects from the module syllabus and Culture must be one of them.

Your chosen organisation must have direct BtoC operations i.e., selling products and
services directly to consumers without any intermediary.

“Marketing activities” are any element(s) of the marketing mix i.e., the 7Ps of
marketing: product, price, place, promotion, people, process, and physical evidence.
You must select at least one element of the marketing mix. You can select up to four
elements of the marketing mix and do not have to cover the entire mix.

For your chosen organization, you will:

  1. Compare how they have taken into consideration the similarities and
    differences across two different cultures (e.g., national, supranational cultures, and/or subcultures) in their marketing activities. You need to evaluate their efforts by identifying what they have done that was appropriate and what could be improved. Then make recommendations geared to improve their current efforts. This part will constitute 60% of your mark for this assessment.

  2. Choose another theoretical aspect from the followings: Perception, Learning
    and Memory; Motivation and/or Values; Attitude; Consumer Identity; Reference Groups; Consumer Resistance, and explain how it relates to your chosen organisation’s marketing activities (in one culture vs. the other). Again, evaluate what they have done that was appropriate and what could be
    improved. Based on your analysis, make recommendations geared to sharpen their current efforts. This part will constitute 40% of your mark for this assessment.