Homelessness and substance misuse: Submit a poster demonstrating your ability to synthesise appropriate knowledge, to inform a named target audience about a topic/subject of interest to you as a health care professional.

Homelessness and substance misuse

•Evaluate research and evidence in health and social care and aims to
support students to make links between theory and practice.

•Submit a poster demonstrating your ability to synthesize appropriate knowledge, to inform a named target audience about a topic/subject of interest to you as a health care professional.

  1. Thus, the poster should address a question related to your professional practice. The poster itself should focus on evidence synthesis around the topic/subject; whilst the notes should detail the process you undertook to obtain the evidence and analyze this evidence so that you could communicate your findings to the target audience.

  2. Poster should be developed using PowerPoint slide (or equivalent) and uploaded to
    Moodle as a PDF saved (assuming the use of PowerPoint) via


    Print ‘NOTES’ (as opposed to slides selected in Layout)

    PDF save.

  3. The poster resource can be targeted at any audience, for example, health professionals, patients or informal carers.