Case study: Provide a detailed written report of the patient above .

Case study

Tawin, MRN-001234, 67 year old man, living at home with his wife, and is independent. No MRSA, no advanced care directive and was in for full resus. Could not obtain pts employment history and is chronic smoker, alcohol abuse and was admitted for an elective produce for right lower leg angiogram with IVUS (intravascular ultrasound) and intervention in view of bilateral night time toe pain with a background of PVD.

Provide a detailed written report of the patient above .

There should be:

• Discussion and analysis of the patient’s medical condition(s) demonstrating the ability to apply theoretical concepts including (but not limited to) pharmacology; pathophysiology; anatomy and physiology.

• Discussion and evaluation of nursing and medical management of the patient with sound rationales that support the delivery of this care.

• Appropriate evidence-based literature to support the discussion and APA 7th edition referencing used throughout.

• This report should be written in the third person.

(2500 word essay)