Write an essay of 2000 word based on the below scenario in Clinical Decision Making in Providing and Evaluating Care.

Clinical Decision Making in Providing and Evaluating Care.

  • Write an essay of 2000 word based on the below scenario in Clinical Decision Making in Providing and Evaluating Care.

Health care providers put in place clinical tools to consolidate all available information for significant clinical subjects so that health care practitioners can provide the best possible treatment to patients. In all clinical emergencies, the ABCDE technique can examine and treat patients right away (Khurana el at., 2018). Emergency medicine experts agree that the strategy improves outcomes by allowing health care personnel to concentrate on the most life-threatening clinical problems You need to paraphrase this in your own words as it is copied from another source otherwise it may be classed as plagiarism . In this scenario, the ‘ABCDE’ checklist was created to help with AKI management. Airway obstruction causes hypoxia, which can lead to the brain and kidneys if left untreated. In the first breath test, it is important to identify and treat life-threatening illnesses. Also, the patient’s circulatory status is jeopardized. To thoroughly examine the patient, it may be necessary to expose the complete body. Reduce the patient’s dignity in mind and keep heat loss to a minimum. The ABCDE approach is a multidisciplinary team’s evidence-based method of assessing acutely unwell patients. NMC argues that AKI damage guidelines must be familiar to nurses, (“Comment: ‘Nurses must be familiar with acute kidney injury guidelines’,” 2015) Please follow the Harvard Referencing guidelines for in-text citations .
One of the assessment tools we have used in this scenario is a fluid assessment chart. Because fluid balance might change due to disease or illness, it’s critical to keep track of how much fluid is in the body by testing urea and electrolytes levels. In this case, the prevention of AKI necessitates optimal fluid balance management for Sandeep. The other assessment is the SBAR (Situation-Background-Assessment-Recommendation). The SBAR approach provides a framework for healthcare team members to communicate about a patient’s condition, (Wu el at., 2017). The precise and straightforward during handoff, patient clinical information is transferred from one health care practitioner to another, ensuring patient care continuity. To provide safe patient care for San deep, effective communication is essential.
Fluid resuscitation was used to keep him alive, and he received interventional treatment via endoscope. Almost all cases of circulatory shock, as well as severe intravascular volume depletion, necessitate large-volume IV fluid replacement. Because AKI is caused by hypovolaemia, the key concern in this scenario is how to deal with hypovolaemia shock. (Kalkwarf and Cotton, 2017) discusses that hypovolemia shock is frequently treated on the scene of an accident or at home. The health care team should make every effort to prevent more injuries, transport patients to the hospital as quickly as possible, and begin appropriate on-site treatment. To avoid other blood loss, direct pressure should be given to exterior bleeding vessels, (Pacagnella and Borovac-Pinheiro, 2019).
The catheter assessment tool plays a significant role at this point to provide evidence from the urinary test. Sandeep is prescribed to Atenolol Omeprazole IV 40mg OD, 1litre sodium chloride 0.9% 150mls/hr, and Tramadol 50 mg PO PRN. In this case Atenolol Omeprazole IV 40mg OD. According to (Wise el at., 2021), omeprazole Sandoz is used to Treatment of Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome. It is a rare condition in which the stomach produces much more acid than ulcers and reflux disease. The drug omeprazole has been linked to the onset of chronic renal disease. In this scenario, 1litre sodium chloride 0.9% 150mls/hr is intended to keep IV catheters from becoming clogged and remove any drug that might have become stuck at the catheter site. Excess sodium chloride in the body causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and cramping in the gastrointestinal tract. Tramadol 50 mg PO PRN is a painkiller prescription. Tramadol is a powerful analgesic. It’s used to alleviate the pain that ranges from mild to severe. This shows that Sandeep’s condition has put him in much pain.

In this case, a catheter assessment tool is used; urinary catheters are typically used by patients who cannot urinate independently or are immobile. The clinical tool applied a thorough physical examination is required to detect the problem and give evidence for essential treatment at an early stage.
AKI is linked to a high morbidity and mortality rate due to uremia, demanding a systematic approach to its prevention and early detection to allow for prompt treatment. Prerenal azotemia, intrinsic renal damage, and obstructive uropathy are among the clinical conditions included by AKI. According to (Aryal et al., 2021), patients may develop azotemia due to these clinical signs, which means that a substantial number of waste materials accumulate in the blood. I also firmly believe that Sandeep’s behavior to take alcohol is another significant aspect of worsening