What is the current strategy in your opinion and your writing-not from annual report, is it working?

Introduction (1/2-1 page) , Strategic hypothesis and key strategic issues (driving forces).
Business Activities (1 page)– explain the main area of activity of the company, and how it makes profits from that activity. You should include relevant information. For example: supply chains, marketing activities, distribution channels…etc.
Current Strategy and Porters 5 Tests of Strategy (1 page)

a. What is the current strategy in your opinion and your writing-not from annual report, is it working?

b. Then discuss whether it meets Porters 5 Tests. Take each test and clearly state first whether or not it meets the test and why.

c. What should be their strategic considerations as they move forward…Adjust current develop new etc?

Business Model Canvas (2-3 pages)

Fill out canvas template, describe briefly each section, analyze each section.

Put original canvas in appendix. This section should also include an analysis of current activity systems map and text discussing the main activities and sub-activities and then how they create Strategic Fit (3-4 sentences for each main activity (including subs). Take a screen shot of the map where you think there is fit and explain in paper. Give two examples of Strategic Fit. (2 images, one paragraph for each explaining fit)