Fact Sheet Lifespan Nutrition: develop a 1-2 page fact sheet on basic nutritional requirements and dietary considerations to be used as a resource for athlete members.

Fact Sheet Lifespan Nutrition.


Develop a 12 page Fact Sheet on basic nutritional requirements and dietary considerations to be used as a resource for athlete members.

The requirements for the fact sheet are as follows:
a) A short summary of the role of each macronutrient in sports nutrition and its balance whilst training.
b) Information on three key micronutrients for athletes to focus on and where to source
c) Recommendations on dietary requirements (including timing), hydration for an event (pre-,during and post event) with examples.

d) Recommendations on sports supplementation.

e) Will these recommendations be the same if the athlete had a non-communicable disease
such as Type II diabetes or a history of Cardiovascular Disease?