Explain which message from the video has left an impression on you? What message has an impacted or has changed your food choices, your view on nutrients, your diet and your eating behavior?

Find a short video – on any nutrition topic of your interest or a topic that you would like to find out more about. The video should be posted on an easily accessible website like youtube, vimeo or on a web page. The video should be less than 5 minutes long. If it is longer, please provide the content you wish to highlight. For example, you might say watch from 1:10 min to 4:20 minutes, or watch the first 3 minutes of the video. Embed the video into the discussion post if possible, or provide an active (clickable) URL. Make sure your link works.

1.Provide a short summary of the video

2. Critique and analyze the video: Is it a credible information? Is it in alignment with what you learnt in this class?

3.Explain which message from the video has left an impression on you? What message has an impacted or has changed your food choices, your view on nutrients, your diet and your eating behavior?

4. Watch the posted video from another class mate. Respond to the post by explaining what additional message  has left an impression on you?