Digital Healthcare and Entrepreneurship: using a range of relevant literature (both academic and professional sources), you are required to identify and critically evaluate contemporary issues and challenges involved with leadership theories, competencies and functions in today’s changing business environment in the SME sector.

Digital Healthcare and Entrepreneurship

1) Using a range of relevant literature (both academic and professional sources), you are required to identify and critically evaluate contemporary issues and challenges involved with leadership theories, competencies and functions in today’s changing business environment in the SME sector. You should also apply relevant frameworks and theories to justify your arguments. (1500 words)

This part is expected to include the following sections:

A critical review of the meaning and importance of leadership for organizations using a
range of academic definitions and references (500 words)

A critical review of the competences required for leadership drawing on a range of
academic and professional sources (500 words)

A Critical review of the meaning and importance of ethical leadership drawing on a range
of academic and professional sources (500 words)

2) A critical self-appraisal of your leadership qualities drawing upon your learning on this module, and
reflections on tasks and tests taken (e.g. Big Five Personality test, Johari Window, Emotional
Intelligence Questionnaire, Belbin’s Team Roles). This should be followed by a personal
development plan to improve on the identified weaknesses following SMART objectives criteria
(Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely). You should based this section on the
findings of the tasks and test, the literature you have reviewed in the Part 1, and your previous
relevant experience and possible future scenarios. (1500 words)