Scenario: describe and analyze workplace artifacts to show the importance of aligning them to company culture.


In this project, you will be choosing objects used in a workplace and looking at them as cultural artifacts. These objects can be from your actual workplace, one you are familiar with, or a one where you might like to work in the future. You will analyze how well these artifacts reflect the culture of the workplace they come from and write a report on your findings.


  • Describe and analyze workplace artifacts to show the importance of aligning them to company culture. Artifacts are real, physical objects made by people that embody the ideas of the creators, users, and the culture in which they were made.
  • Choose two objects that fit the description of artifacts above. Examples of artifacts include training materials, a piece of equipment, a decoration, a business card, a newsletter, or something else.
  • Analyze the artifacts. Use the questions in the Artifact Analysis Guide to help you do this.

Write a report. In your report:

  • Identify the type of organization or workplace you used.
  • Briefly explain why artifact analysis is relevant to workplace culture.
  • Explain the importance of analyzing artifacts for understanding culture.
  • Provide specific examples of ways your workplace could improve its culture based on the results of the analysis.
  • Describe your chosen artifacts in detail.
  • If possible, include a picture of them.
  • Be sure to identify who created them and who uses them.
  • Explain the purpose of your chosen artifacts.
  • State whether you think the creator(s) succeeded in achieving that purpose.
  • How do different people interact with the artifacts?
  • Discuss how the artifacts reflect the norms, beliefs, and values of the organizational culture.To do this, compare your artifacts with specific workplace culture statements. These might include a mission statement, motto, vision document, slogan, and so on.
  • Do the artifacts reflect the workplace culture in which they are found?
    Your report can be in the format you consider most appropriate.
  • create a visual presentation (slides) or a written report. If you choose to create a presentation, you should provide comprehensive speaker notes. Remember to cite any sources you use.


Analyze two workplace artifacts and report on your findings. Use the questions in the Artifact Analysis Guide to guide your artifact analysis. These questions provide key points that you can address in your report.
Your report can be a presentation (8–10 slides) or a written report (1.5–2 pages). If you choose to do a presentation, include detailed speaker notes.