Scenario: write a report, setting out the planning arguments and general planning policy justifications you would use to appeal the refusal of outline planning permission on your client’s behalf.


As a consultant surveyor, you are representing a client who wishes to appeal Any town District Council’s refusal of his outline planning application. He wants to demolish a disused building on his farm, formerly used to store agricultural equipment, and replace it with a new-build farm shop, with associated parking provision for eight cars. Your client proposes that the shop, to be managed by two members of his family, would operate between 07.30 and 19.30 hours, Monday to Saturday.

Your client’s farm is located on the edge of Blue ham, a village with 1,500 inhabitants. Access is gained via a country lane that adjoins a B road. The lane also serves four labourers’ cottages. It is paved, but narrow, with an arrangement of passing places for vehicles, and subject to a 30-mph speed restriction.
The proposal site lies entirely in the designated green belt. It is not allocated for development in the
Any town District Plan 2021, which has been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for examination. However, no date for the examination has yet been set.
Any town District Council have not adopted a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) charging schedule.


  • Write a report, setting out the planning arguments and general planning policy justifications you would use to appeal the refusal of outline planning permission on your client’s behalf.
  • You should also consider the merits of your client making a unilateral offer to enter into a planning obligation involving a payment for associated infrastructure.