Leadership and Ethics : briefly explain how Lt. Coughlin demonstrated one of the ethical agent role as described on the Newell book.

Leadership and Ethics

This reflection activity involves practicing assessing role(s) of ethics agents and spotting the ethics issue(s). First, watch the PBS video linked below titled She Rocked the Pentagon. It is about 12 minutes and involves the ethical decision making of former Navy Lt. Paula Coughlin following the sexual assault scandal at the Tailhook convention in 1991. Note that this content is disturbing as it describes instances of rape and sexual assault, so prepare yourself emotionally beforehand. If you believe that you will find it to be personally traumatizing, please contact me. By midnight on Sunday, Week 5, please record a reflection in the Flipgrid online platform using the video or audio only option for recording. Within the reflection, address the following points:

  • Briefly explain how Lt. Coughlin demonstrated one of the ethical agent roleas described on pages 19-20 in chapter 1 of the Newell book.
  • Briefly explain one ethics issue that confronted Lt. Coughlin.
  • What two values are in conflict from Lt. Coughlin’s perspective (Value A [Value Set A] vs. Value B [Value Set B])?
  • Mention both the conflicting values and the associated value sets as described in chapters 2 and 3 of the Newell book; see pp. 26, 27, and 40