Corporate governance: evaluate the corporate governance failures and weaknesses that have led to problems of the chosen company (HSBC) and the consequences of weak corporate governance experienced.              

Corporate governance

  • Evaluate the corporate governance failures and weaknesses that have led to problems of the chosen company (HSBC) and the consequences of weak corporate governance experienced.                                                                                                                                                                         (approx. 750 words 25 Marks)
  • Critically evaluate the different responses to corporate governance and the role of government regulations in responding to issues raised by an examination of the ethical issues impacting upon the business organizations that have encouraged corporate governance reform worldwide.                                                                                                                             (approx. 1500 words- 50 Marks)
  • Discuss and critically evaluate key corporate governance and ethics concepts.
  • Evaluate different theoretical perspectives on corporate governance, understand their assumptions about key actors, motives, and control mechanisms.
  • Explore an international comparative perspective of corporate governance, focusing upon the system found in the UK and contrasting this with a range of different corporate governance systems in countries around the world.