Portfolio: create portfolio of case studies on ethics in the marketing and digital communications industry.


•Create portfolio of case studies on ethics in the marketing and digital communications industry.

•Identify and research 3 different examples of brands and/or campaigns, as follows:

  • 1 example of a marketing communications campaign that did not align with industry codes of practice and standards (for example, the ASA)
  • 1 example of a marketing sector company, brand or campaign that promotes minority voices and representation (diversity and inclusivity)
  • 1 example of a brand that is future proofing (meeting future challenges and audience expectations)
    Develop those examples into 3 case studies for your Portfolio, on the theme of marketing ethics, by including:

•A narrative identifying your choice of company/brand/campaign, with links to content

•An analysis of the context in which this brand/campaign is operating in (PESTLE)

•A critique of the effectiveness of the campaign in meeting its ethical objectives (up to 750 words)

In summary

  1. In total, for your Portfolio, you are submitting 3 Case Studies.You may adopt a writing and layout style to suit your preferred method of expression – a report, an essay or a published blog.
  2. The maximum word count guide for each Case Study is up to 1500 words for each (so 3 x 1500 = 4500 words in total). There is no miniumum word count.