Nutrition in Adulthood: write a short summary on proven strategies on the dietary management of hypertension, referring to the literature.

Nutrition in Adulthood (approx. 200 words)

Rose is a 52 year old female presenting to your clinic with hypertension. Her current blood pressure is 140/90. Her GP agreed to her trying dietary and lifestyle changes for 3 months prior to deciding on medication. Rose is generally in good health, however recently she has been having trouble sleeping due to night sweats. Anthropometrical measurements:

  1. Height: 173cm.
  2. Weight: 76kg.
  3. Waist circumference: 89cm

Current diet:

  • Breakfast: 2 pieces of toast with salted butter and jam. 2 cups of tea with milk and 1 sugar
  • Morning tea: cup of tea and 6 arrowroot biscuits
  • Lunch: Corned beef sandwich (3 slices) with 2 slices of tomato and 1 slice of cheese
  • Afternoon tea: date slice & 60g salted peanuts
  • Dinner: Lamb chop, ½ cup of peas, ½ cup of carrots and 1 small potato (with added salt and 1 knob of butter)2 glasses of red wine

Case study Questions:

•Make an assessment of Rose’s anthropometrical measurements and how these might relate to condition? Calculation and how this related a hypertation.

•Use Foodworks, Foodzone, or Nutritics to Analyse Rose’s current diet (attach the report to this workbook). Attached the analyse on appendix.

·Write a short summary on proven strategies on the dietary management of hypertension, referring to the literature. This should be a diet, should have some evidence based to help in hypertension. Refer to an article.

•How does Rose’s current diet compare to the recommendations discussed in your answer to question c)?
Compere the diet that she has with the one you are suggesting and what the differences with those.