Nutrition and ageing: why is there a change in the RDI in the elderly when compared to adults?

Nutrition and ageing (approx. 200 words)

You have been asked to develop a short 2-minute informative talk on the importance of protein in the elderly to a group of age care nurses. Taking into consideration your audience who have a decent understanding of health and disease within the elderly population, develop your presentation based on the following information, list your answers below.

The importance of sufficient protein intake in the elderly (e.g. what does it prevent?).

  • Protein needs in the elderly. Look for elderly population.
  • Why is there a change in the RDI in the elderly when compared to adults?
  • What might a diet look like that has sufficient protein levels for an elderly person?Provide a brief example of breakfast, lunch and dinner supplying sufficient protein. This quantity of protein on diet should meet with the question B. Use Foodworks, Foodzone, or Nutritics.
  • If an elderly person is highly active,how might this impact their protein needs?

Ensure that all of the above is supported by up to date research (published within the last 10 years).