Expression, Purification and Enzymology of a medically important Aldo-Keto Reductase (AKR1C3): explore the kinetic properties of an unknown ligand against the purified protein.

Expression, Purification and Enzymology of a medically important Aldo-Keto Reductase (AKR1C3)

  1. Purify an over-expressed recombinant protein (AKR1C3) from bacteria, determine its purity, complete initial, then more detailed kinetic characterisation of the protein purified.
  2. Explore the kinetic properties of an unknown ligand against the purified protein.
  3. Interpret and follow an extended set of lab protocols over 4 days, preparing and organising a set of practical activities, requiring time management and personal planning and to design and complete further experiments, as required, depending on the experimental results obtained.
  4. Record experimental lab data in a lab book in an organised and self-explanatory style with sufficient detail, so that another biochemist could understand the experiments done, the data collected, the analysis used, and repeat the experiments getting the same or similar results. Some useful tips and guidance is available in this article: