Rehabilitation of Offenders: choose one of the sources listed below and make a critical analysis addressing the following headings :

Rehabilitation of Offenders

Choose ONE of the sources listed below and make a critical analysis addressing the following headings :
• Identify and critically evaluate the line of reasoning
• Identify and Evaluate the evidence in the text
• Identify the writer’s conclusions
• Evaluate whether the evidence supports the conclusions

Article Options:
1. Carlen, P. (2013). Against rehabilitation; for reparative justice. In Crime, justice
and social democracy (pp. 89-104). Palgrave Macmillan, London.

2. Lewis, S. (2014). Learning from success and failure: Deconstructing the working
relationship within probation practice and exploring its impact on probationers,
using a collaborative approach. Probation Journal, 61(2), 161-175.

3. Maruna, S., & Mann, R. (2019). Reconciling ‘desistance and ‘what works’. Academic
Insights, 1, 3-10.

Further Guidance
• See Template for specific guidance on each heading.

• You shouldreference a minimum of 3 other academic sources within your analysis.
Avoid simply using sources cited within the article you have chosen- where possible
consider links to wider theory.

• Remember a Critical Analysis does not mean the same as Criticism. I.e. the authors’
arguments and evidence may have both strengths and weaknesses.

• For the final question of whether the evidence supports the conclusions there is not
necessarily a right or wrong answer, as long as you can justify this with your
evaluation. Approach this objectively and analytically- the question is not asking
whether you personally ‘agree’ or ‘disagree’ with the conclusion.

– This model of critical analysis is taken from The Study Skills Handbook by Stella
Cottrell- see below for full reference. This book is available electronically from the
University Library: Cottrell, S. (2019). The study skills handbook. Macmillan
International Higher Education.

– Provide a full reference list with this assignment and use in-text citations
according to APA 7th Edition.