Frankena/Ries Problem Analysis: develop a paper addressing the issue/problem and how you would use the “lean start-up” methodology to make continuous progress on solving the problem .

Frankena/Ries Problem Analysis

Select an issue/problem to be addressed within his/her professional context. Frankena’s five boxes will serve as the outline for how to address the issue/problem (Frankena’s boxes will be presented in week #1 during the collaborate session). The paper will consist of a comprehensive analysis of the identified problem.

Develop a paper addressing the issue/problem and how you would use the “lean start-up” methodology to make continuous progress on solving the problem .

  1. The paper will be 5-6 pages long plus one page with a visual model where you show your Frankena model.
  2. The paper should be written in APA-style (5-6 pages, double-spaced; do not include title page, abstract, and references in your page count).
  3. Be very concise in your writing. This paper is short.
  4. Use proper APA-headings to guide the reader. The is for a counseling program.