Child Study Analysis Paper:Provide a timeline of the child’s life and Department of Children and Families and Community Based Care agency involvement leading up until the child’s death.identify all professionals involved and explain their role and documented professional opinions. 

Child Study Analysis Paper

Description: Students must conduct an analysis of a case approved by the instructor and demonstrate an understanding of the case and apply sound reasoning to support their opinions. Students must follow the assigned rubric and articulate their own individual agreement or disagreement with the Courts’ decisions as well as the casework decisions made by social work professionals. Students must apply sound reasoning to support their opinions. The written case review must be a minimum of 5 pages (not including the cover page and reference pages).
This assignment is completed as a group. All group members will receive the same grade. It is suggested that students develop a work plan for the assignments and document responsibilities and a timeline within email or Canvas messages.

1. See the Child Study Analysis document to view the cases that are approved.  As a group, select a case you wish to review.

2. Conduct research using at least 3 information sources on the case you are assigned. Attempt to locate official reports or documents for DCF, law enforcement and other professional sources. You are encouraged to begin your search using the Innocents Lost database (Links to an external site.). It is the most comprehensive resource available. In addition, you are expected to search all other sources which will include newspapers, websites, television stations in the area the child lived, etc.

3. Write a case review that is at least five pages long (not including the cover page or reference page). See the details below for information to include in the paper.

The grading will be based on the following

1. The paper uses proper APA formatting and includes a cover page, abstract, and a reference page. The paper uses appropriate headings. The paper should be edited and well written (clear focus, logical development, correct use of grammar).

2. Provide a summary of the case facts and significant issues of the case.

3. Provide details regarding family background and demographics of the family. Include information broadly about risk factors and protective factors. Include information about the family’s neighborhood, culture, education, lifestyle, etc.

4. Provide a timeline of the child’s life and Department of Children and Families and Community Based Care agency involvement leading up until the child’s death. Identify all professionals involved and explain their role and documented professional opinions.

5. Identify the primary legal issues and decisions that were made in the case. Cite the result of court hearings and the decisions made by judges and attorneys.

6. Identify and discuss any ethical dilemmas on the part of the involved child welfare professionals and other professionals (i.e., law enforcement, educators, attorneys, judges). Was there anything that should have been reported that was not, any relationship boundary issues, any lack of follow through, and/or any compromising positions.

7. Discuss your assessment of the decisions made in the case and discuss what you think should have been done differently. (Note: This is 30% of the grade of the assignment.)

8. Finally, at the end of your paper write a personal message to the child victim that honors their life. Share your feelings about their life and the tragedy that happened to them. Express to them what you personally would like them to say to them if you had the opportunity.