Procalcitonin Test: give a detailed portfolio/booklet of 1600 words illustrating information about the test relevant to a Blood sciences setting.

Procalcitonin Test

Give a detailed portfolio/booklet of 1600 words illustrating information about the test relevant to a Blood Sciences setting.

The portfolio should include:

1. An introduction to the test including physiology of the measured substance and main reasons for measurement , i.e. disease states.

2. Information on the sample type(s) required, e.g. preservative, stability, storage conditions.

3. One method of measurement for the analyte, to include principles of the method, advantages and limitations plus relevant equipment and an overview of the principles of operation. Some performance characteristics of the method, such as precision data should also be provided.

4. Assessment of result reliability, internal quality control and an external quality assessment scheme, biological variation and delta checks .

5. Reference ranges and indicative concentrations observed in named
disease states