Bio Lab: what is sterilization and what temperature, and pressure is used to sterilize labware?

Bio Lab
Pipetting techniques  (2 points)

  • What is sterilization and what temperature, and pressure is used to sterilize labware?
  • What color is Coomassie Blue- when exposed to:Anionic Compounds? And Cation compounds?
  • How many micro liters is 1mL of water?
  • Why do we use a pipette? What are the advantages?

Pigment extraction (2 points)

  • Write the chemical reaction of Photosynthesis
  • Name 4pigments used by plants and state the wavelength (in nm) used by each pigment

Waste water treatment (2 points)

  • What is “Nitrification” and “Denitrification”
  • Name 4Micropollutants in water

Cell division, mitosis (2 points)

  • Explain the following terms
    · Sister Chromatids
    · Homologous Chromosomes
    · Diploid
    · Tetrad

Your diet and your DNA (2 points)

  • How many calories does an adult male need per day
  • Name 7 components of a healthy diet
  • Name 7 components of an unhealthy diet
  • What are Telomeres?