Organizational Resiliency in connection with Financial Crime: write an Essay on how to achieve organizational resiliency to prevent financial crime in banks.

(6 Pages)

Introduction (1 Page)

Elaborate the Problem: It appears that every bank is struck by financial crime which makes a huge impact on reputation and its stock price not to talk about direct losses. All banks have as per regulatory requirements compliance units, yet, it appears, that banks are hit unprepared. Question: Why or is it really the Compliance department responsibility? How to build up organizational resiliency?

Theory (2 Pages)

Individual Resiliency (0,5 Pages)

  • Definition of individual resiliency
  • Kauai Study
  • Salutogenese Study
  • Resiliency Factors for individual resiliency

From individual to organizational resiliency (1,5 Pages)

  • Definition of organizational resiliency
  • Organizational resiliency vs. Business Continuity
  • How to achieve organizational resiliency on
  • Employee levels
  • Team levels
  • Management levels

Organizational resiliency in connection with financial crime – how to achieve it (2,5 Pages)

  • 3 Lines of Defense Concept: Compliance is only part of the solution; it needs an orchestrated approach where everybody assumes its responsibilities
  • Risk Analysis: Risk must be known and assessed (probability and impact)
  • Mitigation Measures such as Controls must be developed, implemented
  • Check if controls work
  • PDCA cycle (continuously update risk management)

Conclusio (0, 5 Pages)