Write an essay about the importance of play in early literacy and language acquisition

Write an essay about the importance of play in early literacy and language acquisition

Write the Essay:
Have a clear introduction, body and conclusion. While you are supporting your essay question with research, also include references to your Assignment #3 observation notes.

Your essay will need a conclusion. Summarize your findings and the answer to the topic question in a few sentences. This will wrap up the study and leave the reader with a sense of conclusion.

Have someone proofread you work for mistakes, inconsistencies, and writing errors. When this is complete, have a someone else do it again. Quality presentation of your findings is extremely important. You do not want to complete an excellent case study only to have the reader turned off of reading it because of spelling, grammar and other writing errors.

Length Requirement
The case study should be 3-4 pages in length It should include a title page and reference list (title page and reference list are not included in the page count). It should be double-spaced, Times New Roman or Arial, 12 point font.