The Federal Trade Commission: when investigating a complaint, the FTC has specific requirements that must be followed to identify valid complaints.what are the elements of a deceptive advertisement, and how does the FTC prove an ad is deceptive?

The Federal Trade Commission

The Federal Trade Commission is a federal agency that enforces antitrust laws and protect consumers. President Woodrow Wilson signed the law in 1914.The purpose of this law is to assist businesses performance with activities under the law. It also protects consumers from various frauds and deceptions. It protects consumers by stopping unfair and fraudulent practices in the marketplace. They conduct investigation, sue companies, and educate consumers.

The Federal Trade Commission headquarters is in Washington. This commission is sometime overlooked. They enforces the credit laws that protect your right to get use and maintain credit. These laws will not guarantee credit. This commission is to investigate wrong doing within a business. The principal mission is the enforcement of civil US antitrust law. The Federal Trade Commission ensures strong competitive market. It is really considered as a security guard for consumers so they can have fair treatment. The three bureaus that does the work for FTC is: Competition, Consumer Protection, and Economics. The FTR provides the legal information for businesses so they may perform activities under laws.

Thorough discussion on the Federal Trade Commission’s responsibilities, including investigating reports of fraud or false advertising from clients such as consumers, businesses, or media. As our text indicates, if needed, the FTC may investigate either a single company or an entire industry and if an investigation reveals unlawful activities on the part of one or more companies within an industry, they can seek voluntary compliances via consent order, initiate federal litigation, or file an administrative complaint.

When investigating a complaint, the FTC has specific requirements that must be followed to identify valid complaints. What are the elements of a deceptive advertisement, and how does the FTC prove an ad is deceptive?

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