IoT project : write a professional report that describes the development of your group IoT project.

IoT project

Write a professional report that describes the development of your group IoT project. The project

should be a ‘stand-alone’ document presenting your design,the step-by-step development, the Node-red diagram and an example of the use
of the IoT devise.
Task details Your assignment should contain the following:

• A title page with your project title and team details.
• An introduction paragraph that explains the purpose of the project and
the scope.
• A detailed description of your design and step-by-step method for
building your IoT Raspberry Pi project.
• Explanation of the limitations of your project.
• Summary and Conclusion
Outline/structure Use the following guide to structure your report. Your report should include the
following components:
• Title page
Include project title, team member names, student numbers, and each team
member’s role (i.e. coordinator, researcher, or designer).
• Table of contents
Include all of your sections from the introduction on wards and their page
numbers. For a detailed work-through on how to do this see the following