Memos: write memos to two of your reports both Ed and Louise.


You are Widgco’s sales manager and supervise 25 sales representatives. You need to write memos today to two of your reports, Ed and Loise. Ed was once your top seller – in fact, from 2011 through 2018, he was your best performing sales rep. However, he missed his annual sales goals in the each of the last two years: In 2019, he was off by 5%. In 2020, he was off by 15%. Now, with only two months to go, you think he will be off by 20% in 2021. Ed has previously blamed his declining performance on his territory “being saturated” with “new competition.” More recently, he has also said it was “pandemic-caused.” However, you believe differently – you think Ed is a “burn out case”, who no longer wants to work as hard as he once did.
Turning to Louise, she is extremely energetic, working long hours, and producing informative, detailed sales reports. She also has garnered an impressive number of very positive comments on Widgco’s customer feedback web page. Still, her sales performance is slightly disappointing – with just two months left, it appears she will miss her 2021 sales goal (that you both established) by 8%. You believe she has tremendous potential, but she is not sufficiently aggressive when it comes to “asking for the business.”

Write memos to two of your reports both Ed and Louise.

(max of 135 words per Memo)