Wound Care: write an essay of approximately 1,000 to 1,500 words that explains wound care and its importance and relevance in the wider world.

Wound Care

Write an essay of approximately 1,000 to 1,500 words that explains wound care and its importance and relevance in the wider world.

  • Have you encountered any situations in practice where there are uncertainties about how to manage a clinical problem?
  • Have you worked with health professionals who have differences or differing opinions about the best way to manage patient care?
  • Have there been any instances when you questioned why care was delivered in a certain way?
  • Have any patients, their families or carers discussed available care options with you or your mentors because they were unsure about the best option for their situation?
  • Have you discussed recent developments or changes in practice with your peers, mentors, other health professionals and lecturers?
  • Have you read professional journals or media health reports and been interested in the debates that have occurred?
  • Have you seen any nursing topics in the news that you find particularly interesting?


(Double-spaced and presented in either 12 or 14 font.)