What qualifications and expertise does the author bring?does the author have any biases or make any questionable assumptions?

Watch the research exercise video on the Module 7 Research Module page. After you watch the video, please use the library databases to find an academic/scholarly (peer-reviewed) source for your final project. Once you find an academic source, please write down the author, the date it was published, the title of the article, the title of the journal in which the article was published, the pages it was found on, the URL or DOI for the article, and the database you used to find the article. Write a short (3 sentence) summary of what the article covers. Then write a short (3 sentence) evaluation of how the source will help with your project. This task is not the same as with the Current Civil Rights News Source Review exercises. You must think about what this specific article has that perhaps others don’t that will give you information or background on the current state of the debate on the topic, etc.

The steps in more detail:

Who, when, what, where, where. Record the full bibliographical details for each source.


For each source, begin by brainstorming responses to questions such as the following.

  • What is the purpose of the source? Who is the author’s intended audience?
  • What is the author’s argument? What evidence supports the argument?
  • What qualifications and expertise does the author bring? Does the author have any biases or make any questionable assumptions?
  • Why do you think this source is useful for your project?
    How does this source relate to the other sources in your bibliography?