Educational problem: write a paper 4-5 page paper , where you select an educational problem of practice and examine it.

Educational problem

Write a paper 4-5 page paper , where you select an educational problem of practice and examine it.

Follow this outline and make sure to respond to the questions. Use this organizational framework foryour paper. Also, you should follow APA 7thEdition Style Guidelines in your paper with a cover page,appropriate in-text citation and a reference page.

Outline for Paper

Identification of a Problem of Practice
• What is the problem?
• Who is affected/impacted?
• Where does the problem reside? What is the context of this problem?
• Why do you perceive this to be a persistent problem?
• Are there data to support your perception?
• What research or literature supports this as a problem? Cite no more than two studies.
Investigation of the Problem
• What might you do to understand the problem?
• How might you test possible interventions or solutions for the problem?
• What research methodologies might you use?
• How might a collaborative research team approach/investigate this problem?
• A brief summary of what you have presented in your paper
• A reference page for scholarship you cite in your paper.