Reflective Analysis: write a reflection on the encounter using a structured framework to identify strengths of the therapeutic approach

Reflective Analysis

Write a reflection on the encounter using a structured framework to identify strengths of the therapeutic approach .  This is based on the 6-category intervention analysis by John Heron.

Heron’s six categories of interventions

  • Authoritative Prescriptive
  • Informative
  • Confronting
  • Facilitative Cathartic
  • Catalytic
  • Supportive


  1. Select and document a therapeutic encounter from your PEP (nursing student clinical placement)
  2. Provide a brief introduction to your interaction. Include the person’s reason for admission, the nature of
  3. the facility and a summary of your previous interactions with this person.
  4. Document your interaction, including verbal, paralinguistic and non-verbal communication using the format provided on the template provided in MyLO (in the first column of template).
