Sustainability and Business: submit a report with the aim to discuss the linkages between business operations and the environmental and societal challenges with regard to sustainability.

Sustainability and Business

Submit a report with the aim to discuss the linkages between business operations and the environmental and societal challenges with regard to sustainability.

For this task, choose an organization/industry or you are familiar with as a frame of reference, to answer all questions given below.

a) Demonstrate extensive, detailed and critical knowledge and understanding of the effects of global warming, resource scarcity, population growth and loss of bio-diversity on your chosen organization/industry.

b) Identify financing challenges and solutions for sustainable development and provide suitable recommendations based on independent research and discussions with peers and specialist practitioners from your industry.

c) Identify and discuss the implementation of innovative business strategies that will help in addressing the sustainability challenges in your chosen organization.

d) Critically review sustainability & its influence on production & design in the chosen industry.

e) Critically review the impact of regulations & international codes on sustainability in the chosen industry. How can you influence the management to adopt the regulations and codes in your organization? (Discuss your role as the change initiator and agent)

f) Demonstrate a general understanding of the importance of sustainability reporting. Critically discuss the sustainability report (last financial year) of your chosen organization or any other organization in your industry, clearly interpreting and evaluating the numerical and graphical data.