Critical appraisal of a randomized control trial: demonstrate ability to identify key components of a quantitative research article by selecting and succinctly summarizing relevant material from the article for each of the requested CASP questions.

Critical appraisal of a randomized control trial

  • Demonstrate ability to identify key components of a quantitative research article by selecting and succinctly summarizing relevant material from the article for each of the requested CASP questions.
  • Presents a compelling argument by integrating key points in the appraisal and linking them explicitly to the chosen article to demonstrate the quality or otherwise of the research .
  • Critically appraise the designated quantitative article using the CASP tool questions to help you make sense of quantitative research.

Write a clearly and succinctly in appropriate academic style with correct referencing (Harvard Author-Date system)

(Task length 1500 words)