Choose one model from the following models of reflection to write on the three reflection.

Choose one model from the following models of reflection to write on the three reflection.

  • Gibbs – Reflective cycle (1988)
  • Schon – Reflection on action (1991)
  • Rolfe et al’s Reflective Framework – (2001)
  • Johns’ Model of Structured Reflection (2006)

The portfolio comprises of 3 pieces of reflection, each addressing a different topic. professional issue.The three topics are as follow

  1. Delegation
  2. Assertiveness
  3. End of Life Care

Word limit

-Reflection One (1500 words approx.)
-Reflection Two (1500 words approx.)
-Reflection Three (1500 words approx.)
-CONCLUSION – in which themes from all 3 reflections are drawn together (250-500 words approx.)
There can be flexibility on the length of each reflection but the overall word limit for your portfolio is 5000