Talent Management Plan:case scenario: provide a staffing plan forecasting recruitment needs including a strategy for replacing the 10% of the workforce lost to retirement job descriptions for three new positions .

Talent Management Plan

Case Scenario
The mid-sized company, ABC Athletics Co., is now experiencing sales growth and will need to
hire additional employees to keep up with demand. The organization experienced an increase in
turnover rates among production workers in the past five years and expects it to continue over
the next three years. ABC Athletics Co. also expects to lose 10% of its workforce through
retirement. It is apparent that the talent management process needs improvement and the
organization must be better prepared to respond to short-term and long-term changes in the
workforce. As the HR director, you recognize the need for a new, comprehensive, and integrated
talent management approach.


  • A staffing plan forecasting recruitment needs including a strategy for replacing the 10% of the
    workforce lost to retirement job descriptions for three new positions .
  • An evaluation of two to three specific recruiting methods for sourcing candidates, and provides
  • An evaluation that evaluates several talent selection methods, and addresses the four listed
  • An explanation of the components included in the organization’s onboarding and orientation
  • An explanation of how employee development solutions can promote employee engagement
    a formulation of a strategy on assessing performance, and identifies instruments and/or
    assessments that could be used
  • Development of a succession plan by addressing the five listed components
  • Development of a strategy to identify the reasons for increased turnover among employees, and
    designs a retention strategy

Should be 10 to 12 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and
formatted according to APA style including an Abstract along with an Introduction, Thesis
Statement and Conclusion