Community Economic Development (CED): evaluate the process of identifying evidence to date and outline how you propose to provide further evidence during the rest of the placement

Community Economic Development (CED)

1)Provide an analysis of how you meet the domains of the PCF in the context of the agency in which you are placed.

You can either write about each domain but given the word count, you might find it easier to write about each of the three super domains:
Questions to consider:

  • For which domains has it been easier to achieve evidence so far?
  • For which domains has it been more a challenge to achieve evidence so far?
  • In order to help you to critically analyze it may be useful to ask yourself the following questions:
  • Why has it been or will it be easier/harder to achieve evidence for a particular domain in this agency setting?
  • What is the focus/purpose of this agency (care and support, safeguarding, skills building, advocacy, therapy….) Has this had a bearing on achieving evidence?
  • Who is involved in the work of the agency? (professionals/experts within the team)
  • Which other agencies/professionals does the agency engage with?
  • Which legislation does the agency work to?
  • What skills are you developing?
  • What theories/models and approaches are evident within this agency’s work?
  • What new knowledge have you gained and how? (Observation, reading, research)
  • How does the local demography have any bearing on the work of this agency? (for example diversity, poverty, age, unemployment)

2) Evaluate the process of identifying evidence to date and outline how you propose to provide further evidence during the rest of the placement

  • How have you been going about gaining the evidence?
    (Induction, supervision, reflection, observation, direct work….)
  • How will you ensure there will be opportunities to provide evidence for next half of placement?
    (Supervison, reflection induction, action plans from meetings)
  • Use of the BASW level descriptors for final placement?